uno psicologo tra i banchi di scuola

The school is run by a group of individuals (students, teachers, professionals), and groups (classes, families, faculty, and administrative) and is inserted in a larger spatial context (municipalities, provinces, health system and tertiary sector). It is a "context of relationships," and characterized it as "system open to external reality and interact with it."
On these assumptions underpinning our vision of a psychology school.
For most of us, Tice psychology school is a set of activities to be carried out at the School, designed by a* Psicolog* Scolastic* that is at work within herself, in collaboration with the director, teachers, parents, pupils and other school workers.

Tice believes that psychology school can be a great resource for the school system.
For this reason, in every seat of Tice there are psychologists trained specifically on the psychology of school and ready to work for the team with the school system.


Our psychologists are trained on the main areas of intervention of the school psychologist:
1. the training of teachers;
2. support the evaluation and testing of education;
3. the management of the problems of professional and organizational;
4. the cooperation in the management of the family-school relationship;
5. the aid to the management of learning difficulties;
6. interventions for the promotion of health and well-being;
7. the direct help to children, youth, and families, through the branches of psychological counseling;
8. the direct support to teachers for classroom management and group dynamics.

 A further and recent under which psychologists and psychologists in school Tice deal with is that of the new technologies, not only for their pervasive presence, but also for reasons deeply psychological.

At Tice commit us, as professionals, to promote and to share with organizations and institutions:
a) l’importanza di avere un numero ragionevole di psicologi rispetto al numero di studenti;
b) l’importanza che gli psicologi dedichino una parte consistente del loro tempo ad attività di consulenza e prevenzione, oltre che ad attività di valutazione e d’intervento;
c) l’importanza di proporre contratti/accordi che consentano a* psicolog* di fare progettazioni anche a lungo termine
d) l’importanza per gli psicologi scolastici di lavorare in team

Our president, Francesca Cavallini is the coordinator of the Working Group on the Psychology of the School of the Order of Psychologists of Emilia-Romagna and the members of the Working Group of the CNOP on the psychology of the school.
