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Welcome to the page of Tice dedicated to the tells the story of our economic data.
The goal of this section is to make the people and the families that we help, and the agencies with which we work, aware and informed of how we use resources. For us it is very important that the people and institutions with whom we work are clear ethical principles and values that drive our economic choices.

Here is some information on our budget.

How are they distributed our costs?

Where are the revenues?


Services = rent, accountant, insurance, employment consultant, security, internal training, communication

Private = families or people who feel they need a psychological intervention

Formations = other professionals who want to train to learn how to use our methods

Notices = foundations and institutions that finance our projects

Research and development = the tax credit that results from the activation of the phd in industrial and research projects

The objective of a tariff of ethics

We are a private clinic that is committed to develop models of psychological services that are sustainable and replicable.

To be a private service (for a fee) in the context of social and health care is often misunderstood! It is thought that the private service has as main aim “to generate profit,” and that the application of rates is solely or primarily a technical process, and administrative. 

In reality, the development of a tariff of ethics it is one of the most complex Tice, both because prices ethical, and allow more people to access or use a service, because our goal is to create service models that make mental health more accessible for all. Every year, we create plans that make the treatments more effective, less expensive (nudge), and we try to eliminate proposals that do not show effectiveness or sustainability.

we try to minimize the administrative costs (we only have one person in charge of directors, and each of us has learned to deal with the invoices, contracts, diary management)
we have a team dedicated to research and innovation that has the functions to study psychological interventions more sustainable, use of the new technologies and write projects to apply for funding to the foundation.

Because there convenzioniamo with the public service to make our services free of charge?

On the national territory, there are many co-operatives have developed agreements with the NHS; these conventions provide that the cooperative provides services free of charge or paid ticket) for the citizens and the public institution will pay then the performance of the cooperative. The conventions are a very useful tool to extend the range of services and to respond to growing needs in social care. The conventions provide that the cooperative or the institutions commit themselves to provide for a certain period of time certain services, ensuring continuity. The innovative nature of Tice, the frequent change of the types of services offered, and the constant questioning and updating of procedures is not compatible with the needs of the NHS.

As a cooperative of psychologists and psychologists, our goal is to be able to obtain regional accreditation, to be available to the NHS for specific services, or to respond to the needs for which the SSN, and the cooperative agreement have not yet developed responses, evidence based. We intend to support the public mental health trying to study and make scalable psychological services that are sustainable and based on experimental evidence. We work to inspire the public services to include in the supply of healthcare services, psychological services, based on the evidence, and to include the psychology and psychologists in the design of services. We are committed to helping psychologists in private are inspired by a model of organized labor in the form of the undertaking, why for us, the psychology you can only do it in this way: together.

I would like to understand how much Tice, or how much my family would spend in the paths Tice.

The paths of Tice are the rates on which we use NUDGE.

The Nudgedesigned from behavioural economics, are a ‘gentle push’ (in this case an economic advantage) that seek to promote the desired behavior. 

For Tice, especially in the first years of work on the land, it was important to break the traditional idea of the family as compared to the intervention, psycho-educational (“my child doesn't handle anxiety or not you committed and the port an hour a week from the/or psychologist and/or”), and to promote a new culture of psycho-educational, especially in the initial phase, can be intense and frequent. 

For this reason, we used the Nudge, and made to the most advantageous locations Tice that have a much lower cost to the individual hours of psychology. 

Exactly the same as when I want to feel better physically, to train the body, we plan to practice more times a week, also the cognitive skills, thoughts, and our ways of behaving for a change and make us feel better they need, especially at the beginning of a greater frequency and intensity.

The paths of Tice are more intensive intervention (i.e. they have a higher frequency) that allow us to better understand the challenges, strengths, and psychological functioning of children/young people, and to put in place strategies and psycho-educational in a consistent manner (i.e., for a period of time that allows even a child to experience the effects). 

The paths also allow us to operate with more children at the same timeso you can observe and intervene on behaviors and thoughts that arise in the context of social. Work in pairs or in small groups also contributes to the economic sustainability of the service.

In most cases, the routes are designed as the beginning of a psycho-education, then, reduce frequency and intensity, or to replace the intervention Tice with educational services in the territory.

Ok, so what does a path with Tice?

The families pay the paths of Tice at a price that varies from 20 to 47 euro/hour depending on the frequency weekly/monthly, and the possibility of the boy child to work in a group.

How much does a TICE every single hour of therapy?

The cost of each hour of the path to Tice is about 54 euros divided as follows:

  • 27 euro: the cost of the work of the coordinator - (psychologist/educator with a master's degree in Behavior Analysis and Applied Doctoral Research University)
  • 9 euro: the cost of the work (about 15 minutes after every hour of operation) that the coordinator uses to reflect on what you said, to monitor and to set the work for the next meeting
  • 4 euro: the cost of the work of fellow psychologists with the coordinator compares to discuss what has been done
  • 14 euro: the general costs of the cooperative (accountant, secretary, bank, rent, insurance).

The paths of Tice do not argue with the payment of the charges of the families. 

To continue to put their routes, Tice seeking support through:

  • the revenues that arise from research and development
  • the fundraising activities and participation in tenders.

I am a person who wants to start a psychological journey or psychotherapy.
How much is it? Why pay € 70 for the session?

The cost of the time of psychotherapy is as follows: 

  • 33 euro: is the cost of the work (vacation, the thirteenth, a disease..) of the psychotherapist 
  • € 17: the cost of the work (about half an hour) to reflect on what you said, to monitor and to set the work for the next meeting 
  • 15 euros: the general costs of the cooperative (accountant, secretary, bank, rent, insurance)
  • 5 euro gains for Tice that we donate to support services that have not yet economic equilibrium (support for psycho-educational children with disabilities)
Amministrazione trasparente - Centro Tice

How much money does a psychologist Tice?

To Tice a psychologist is hired with the National Collective Agreement of Cooperatives and Mutuals. Our salary ranges from 1,200 to 2,000 euros (depending on the level of recruitment and the hours required by the contract).

Administrators Tice (President, Vice President and members of the board) do not receive any compensation for the activities they carry out as administrators.

Amministrazione trasparente - Centro Tice