Lorem ipsum sicut dolor ament


  • Japhet Niyonsenga, Liliane Uwingeneye, Inès Musabyemariya, Jean Pierre Nteziryayo, Thèodat Siboyintore, Jean Baptiste Sagahutu, Francesca Cavallini, Rutembesa Eugene, Stefan Jansen, Nadia Monacelli, Luca Caricati, Jean Mutabaruka, (2024) The effects of perceived therapist guidance and advice on adherence to home-based exercise programs in mothers of children with cerebral palsy in Rwanda, Heliyon
  • Cavallini, C. A. A., Smeraldi, L., Trentini, G., Ganci, A., Borroni, S., & Zaghi, V. (2024). Intervento online di gruppo per il benessere psicologico dei familiari di persone con Sindrome di Dravet: Uno studio esplorativo. Psychotherapy, Cognitive and Behavioral, 30 (1), 67–90.
  • Cavallini, M. C., Tirelli, V., & Derba, F. (2024). Virtual exposure to war in Ukraine: thoughts and emotions of Italian adolescents with emotional difficulties. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, Online First, 40-52
  • Iacomini, S., Rosa, G., Vascelli, L., Berardo, F., Cavallini, F. (2024). Strategie cognitivo-comportamentali per lo sviluppo di soft-skills lavorative in un gruppo di giovani con autismo aspiranti doppiatori. Autismo e disturbi del neurosviluppo, 22 (1), 9-22.
  • Vascelli, L. (2024). Commentary on “Implementation of an adapted handwriting without Tears®️ programme for children with developmental disabilities in a special education setting”. Tizard Learning Disability Review.
  • Vascelli, L., Iacomini, S., Berardo, F. et al. (2024) Using Precision Teaching to Evaluate the Effects of Tact Training on Intraverbals Relations. Behav Analysis Practice 17, 332–337
  • Tardito, V., Cavallini, F., & Cattalini, M. (2024). When Emotions Don’t Have a Voice, Autismo e disturbi del neurosviluppo, 22 (1), 61-76
  • Zamperlin, C., Fazzolari, D., De Francesco, G., Carretti, B., (2024). COT 5-8 Valutazione della comprensione orale. Erickson


  • Bennet D Gibb YK (2023) Imprenditorialità, neurodiversità e genere, traduzione a cura di F. Cavallini, S. Iacomini, V.Tirelli, S. Andolfi, Edizione Lavoro
  • Iacomini, S.,Vascelli, L., Berardo, F., Cavallini, F., & Dipace, A. (2023). L’utilizzo di un sistema di crediti di lavoro e di un contratto comportamentale per promuovere soft-skills lavorative in un giovane adulto con Sindrome di Prader Willi. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, Early access.
  • Iacomini, S., Vascelli, L., Palena, N., Cavallini, F., & Dipace, A. (2023) Un’esperienza di promozione di competenze trasversali e imprenditoriali in un piccolo gruppo di ragazzi con autismo attraverso attività di doppiaggio. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, Early access.
  • Sanfilippo Frittola, G., & Vascelli, L. (2023). Utilizzo di una activity schedule per favorire le transizioni in adolescenti con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Una revisione della letteratura. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 21(1), 27-47.
  • Vignudelli, C., Artoni, V., & Cattalini, M. (2023). Gioco outdoor: training di gioco tra pari in bambini con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 21(1), 83-98.


  • Andolfi, S., Pelizzoni, I., Artoni, V., & Cavallini F. (2022). Precision Teaching e istruzione basata sulla fluenza. Creare sinergie in classe. UNICOPLI.
  • Cammeo, C., Prestera, G., Massaro, D., Marchetti, A., & Cavallini, F. (2022). Teaching clinical reasoning to psychology students: an exploratory study on the potential of a podcast training. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, Online First, 1-15.
  • Iacomini, S., Vascelli, L., Berardo, F., Cavallini, F., & Dipace, A. (2022). Self-employment and Entrepreneurship for Youngs and Adults with Neurodevelopmental or Psychiatric Disorders: a Systematic Review. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, Online First, 46-48.
  • Scattolin, A., Sanfilippo Frittola, G., Iacomini S., & Vascelli, L. (2022). Strategie d’intervento per favorire la produzione di mand: Una revisione della letteratura. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 20(2), 125-145.
  • Vascelli, L., & Berardo, F. (2022). Video Self-Modeling for a Student with Dravet Syndrome: An Intervention Involving Parents during COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. Education and Treatment of Children, 45(1), 129-133.
  • Vascelli, L., Berardo, F., Iacomini, S., Scorza, M., & Cavallini, F. (2022). Effects of textual prompting and constant time delay on social communication skills of young adults with Prader Willi syndrome during online socialization activities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 36(2),  259-269.
  • Vascelli, L., Iacomini, S., Artoni, V., & Berardo, F. (2021). Evaluating the separate and combined effects of enriched environment and punishment for self‐injury in school. Behavioral Interventions, 37(2), 239-247.
  • Vinciguerra, G., Iacomini, S., Villani, E., Artoni, V., & Cavallini, F. (2022). Developing the psychosexual knowledge of two adolescents with Special Educational Needs through a psycho-educational training. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 4(1), 1-16.


  •  Saccà, A., Pelizzoni, I, & Torelli, I. (2021) La fluenza a casa. Due esperienze di apprendimento. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 3
  • Amorotti, G., Cavallini, F., & Corsano, P. (2021). Competenze narrative orali di bambini in età scolare con Learning Disabilities e Developmental Language Disorder. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 25(3), 357-388.
  • Cattalini, M., Saccà, A., & Cavallini, F. (2021). Assessing Parental Stress and Quality of Life in Families of Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Systematic Review of the Assessment Tests Used. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 3(2), 31-44.
  • Cavagni, A., & Vascelli, L. (2021). Musica e Disabilità: Imparare a Suonare la Batteria con un Training a Fluenza. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2, 75-86.
  • Cavallini, M.C., & Caravita, S. (2021). Parental strategies for limiting youths’ exposure to online risks. Media Education, 12, 59-71.
  • Cavallini, M.C., & Cavallini, F. (2021). Online Risks in Children with Special Educational Needs: An exploratory study. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 3(1), 58-68.
  • Dovigo, L., Caprì, T., Semino, M., Nucita, A., Iannizzotto, G., & Fabio, R.A. (2021). School’s out: Interactive tele-education for Rett patients at the time of COVID. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 52(5), 513-522.
  • Fabio, R.A., Giannatiempo, S., Semino, M., & Caprì, T. (2021). Longitudinal cognitive Rehabilitation applied with eye-tracker for patients with Rett syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 111(1), 103891.
  • Fabio, R.A., Semino, M., & Giannatiempo, S. (2021). The GAIRS Checklist: A Useful Global Assessment Tool In Patients With Rett Syndrome.
  • Gueli, G., Pelizzoni, I., & Iacomini, S. (2021) Gli interventi di prevenzione all’abuso sessuale di giovani con disabilità intellettiva. Una rassegna bibliografica. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 3.
  • Iacomini, S., Berardo, F., Cavallini F., & Dipace, A. (2021). Assessment tools for the career planning of adolescents and adults with neurodevelopmental disorders: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 3(3), 34-55.
  • Iacomini, S., Diano, A., Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2021). Effects of a non-intensive tact training on the emission of spontaneous verbal operants in different non-instructional settings. Life Span and Disability, 24(1), 7-28.
  • Iacomini, S., Vascelli, L., Artoni, V., & Berardo, F. (2021). Migliorare l’autonomia di adolescenti con disturbi del neurosviluppo nella comunità attraverso l’insegnamento di una routine di spesa. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 3, 507-514.
  • Iacomini, S., Vascelli, L., Ganci, A., Cavallini, F., & Berardo, F., (2021). Assessing Conversational Skills of Adolescents and Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 65(8), 696-697.
  • Mariani, G., Marchi, C., Cattalini, M., & Cavallini, F. (2021). Gli effetti rigenerativi dell’esposizione ad ambienti naturali in bambini e adolescenti. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2, 87-100.
  • Musetti, A., Villani, E., Cavallini, F., & Corsano, P. (2021). Orientamento al futuro, prestazione scolastica, autostima generale e specifica in adolescenza. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 2, 239-266.
  • Santoro, E., Berni, D., Pelizzoni, I., & Cavallini, F. (2021) Applying Precision Teaching in Basic Orofacial Practices. An Exploratory Survey. Logopedia e comunicazione, 3, 314-321.
  • Testa, D., & Cavallini, F. (2021). How activism correlates with well-being in adolescence: A systematic review. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 3(3), 22-33.
  • Tirelli, V., Cavallini, M.C., Flauto, S., Amato, L., & Meneghelli, A. (2021). Abilità di studio nell’intervento precoce per le psicosi: uno studio pilota su tre pazienti. Ricerche di Psicologia, 4, 1-16.
  • Vascelli, L., & Berardo, F. (2021). Video Self-Modeling for a Student with Dravet Syndrome: An Intervention Involving Parents during COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy. Education and Treatment of Children, 1-5.
  • Vascelli, L., Iacomini, S., Artoni, V., & Cihon, T. M. (2021). Teaching Self-Care and Domestic Living Skills using Least-to-Most Prompting Procedure in a Semi-Residential Setting. Journal of Clinical & Developmental Psychology, 3(2), 24-41.
  • Vascelli, L., Iacomini, S., & Berardo, F. (2021). Functional communication training and delay to reinforcement for the treatment of elopement in a boy with Dravet syndrome. Behavioral Interventions, 36 (4), 1013-1023.
  • Villani, E., Musetti, A., Artoni, V., & Corsano, P. (2021). La capacità di orientamento al futuro in studenti con Disturbi Specifici di Apprendimento e con sviluppo tipico. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 1, 119-133.


  • Artoni, V., & Vascelli, L. (2020). Intervento intensivo e precoce per i disturbi dello spettro autistico: obiettivi e strategie. In D. Rollo, Disturbi dello Spettro autistico e Intersoggettività. Strategie per potenziare le capacità comunicative. FrancoAngeli.
  • Cavallini, F. (2020). La differenza tra la corona e il corona. Comunicare ai bambini nel post COVID-19. Torino Medica, 2-3, 45-47.
  • Ganci, A., Guandalini, S., & Berardo, F. (2020). Activity schedule e feedback contingenti: strumenti per la riduzione dei comportamenti disfunzionali e lo sviluppo di autonomia in adolescenti con disabilità intellettiva all’interno del contesto classe. Ricerche di Psicologia, 4, 1167-1184.
  • Iacomini, S., Diano, A., Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2020). L’insegnamento di scripts con fading del prompt per incrementare le interazioni con i pari in due studenti con autismo. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 18(2), 202-220.
  • Iacomini, S., Vascelli, L., Artoni, V., & Berardo, F. (2020). Strategies to increase on-task behavior and the number of arithmetic facts in a group of adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, 2(1), 24-47.
  • Pelizzoni, I., Andolfi, S., Salvaderi, I., & Cavallini, F., (2020). Curriculum Based Measurement e metodologie basate sulla fluenza nel potenziamento della lettura. I risultati di due centri di apprendimento che propongono interventi in bambini con bisogni educativi speciali. Psicologia clinica dello sviluppo, 3, 577-583.
  • Saccà, A., Cattalini, M., & Cavallini, F. (2020). Parent-training e terapia dell’Accettazione e dell’Impegno. Una revisione sistematica degli effetti generati sui genitori di bambini con Disturbo dello Spettro dell’Autismo. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 3.
  • Saccà, A., Tirelli, V., Derba, F., & Artoni, V. (2020). Abilità matematiche in adolescenza: effetti di un training a fluenza sulla performance e sulla percezione dell’ansia nei Disturbi dell’Apprendimento. DIS Dislessia, Disortografia, Disgrafia, Discalculia e Difficoltà in Matematica Disturbi di Attenzione e iperattività, 3(1), 375-392.
  • Tucci, E., Del Balzo, C., Antonelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2020). Incrementare le interazioni sociali e ridurre i comportamenti off-task in studenti con autismo attraverso l’istruzione in piccolo gruppo. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 18(1), 9-26.
  • Vascelli, L., Iacomini, S., Gueli, G., Cavallini, C., Pelizzoni, I., Cavallini, F., & Berardo, F. (2020). The Effects of the Big 6+ 6 Skills Training on Daily Living Skills for an Adolescent With Intellectual Disability. Behavior Analysis in Practice, 13(4), 955-960.
  • Villani, E., Cavallini, F., Artoni, V., & Corsano, P. (2020). L’orientamento al futuro in età adolescenziale: una rassegna della letteratura. Ricerche di Psicologia, 4, 977-1015.


  • Cavallini, F., Sacchetti, M.C., Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2019). The academic network in the field of psychology as a strategy of innovation for nonprofit enterprises. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, 1(2), 39-48.
  • Cavallini, F., Carpitelli, A., Corsano, P., & Cihon, T.M. (2019). Entrepreneurship education: The case of the ABA Master at the University of Studies of Parma. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 22(1).
  • Cavallini, F., Pelizzoni, I., Diano, A., & Andolfi, S. (2019). Curriculum Based Measurement e metodologie basate sulla fluenza nel potenziamento della lettura: riflessioni su efficacia, efficienza ed economicità degli interventi in bambini con bisogni educativi speciali. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 295-302.
  • Del Balzo, C., Antonelli, L., Tucci, E., & Artoni, V. (2019). Peer Tutoring e Token Economy per Aumentare Approvazioni e Interazioni Spontanee in Tre Studenti con Autismo. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 17(2), 253-269.
  • Derba, F., Calabretta, T., & Cavallini, F. (2019). Promozione dell’autonomia scolastica attraverso l’utilizzo di social network. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2, 101-112.
  • Derba, F., Cavallini, M.C., & Villani, E. (2019). Migliorare la performance accademica in una studentessa universitaria con diagnosi tardiva di dislessia. Dyslexia, 16(1), 99-111.
  • Derba, F., Cavallini, M.C., Villani, E., & Cavallini, F. (2019). Il goal setting come strategia efficace per “sopravvivere ai compiti”. Risultati di un percorso individualizzato rivolto a quattro studenti adolescenti con Disturbo Specifico dell’Apprendimento. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 303-310.
  • Marchi, C., Villani, E., Derba, F., & Vascelli, L. (2019). Peer tutoring. Un training efficace per acquisire le soft skills in adolescenza. Psicologia dell’educazione, 3.
  • Musetti, A., Eboli, G., Cavallini, F., & Corsano, P. (2019). Social relationships, self-esteem, and loneliness in adolescents with learning disabilities. Clinical Neuropsychiatry, 16(4), 133-140.
  • Pelizzoni, I., Cavallini, F., Fonticoli, V., & Cavallini, C. (2019). Il ruolo dei genitori nell’utilizzo dei videogame: Una rassegna sistematica. Media education – Studi, ricerche, buone pratiche, 10(2), 212-231.
  • Pelizzoni, I., Derba, F., & Marchi, C. (2019). Goal setting e self-monitoring: Training per il miglioramento delle abilità di studio. Psicologia dell’educazione, 1.
  • Pelizzoni, I., Lombardi, B., Sacchetti, M.C., Marchi, C., & Cavallini, F. (2019). Proposta di supervisione per tirocinanti. Public posting e Feedback informativi. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2.
  • Saccà, A., Cavallini, F., & Cavallini, M.C. (2019). Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: a systematic review. Journal of Clinical and Developmental Psychology, 1(3), 30-44.
  • Scattolin, A., Artoni, V., Giannatiempo, S., Martino, F., & Berardo, F. (2019). “Protocollo Mirror” per l’Insegnamento dell’Imitazione Generalizzata ad un Bambino con Disabilità Intellettiva. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 17(1), 29-49.
  • Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2019). Aumentare l’aderenza terapeutica in un paziente adolescente con disabilità intellettiva attraverso l’utilizzo di strategie comportamentali. Psicologia della Salute, 3, 137-153.
  • Vascelli, L., & Artoni, V. (2019). L’insegnamento di richieste per ridurre i comportamenti non appropriati a scuola. Psicologia dell’educazione, 3, 87-101.
  • Vessels, L., Artoni, V., & Berardo, F. (2019). Improve the transitions between the activities of a teenager with autism through the use of an Activity Schedule. Autismo e Disturbi dello sviluppo, 17(2), 207-220.
  • Vessels, L., Artoni, V., Cavallini, F., & Berardo, F. (2019). Functional interactions with the process of Differential Reinforcement of Other Behavior. The psychology of upbringingand, 1, 119-129.


  • Cavallini, F., Carpitelli, A., & Corsano, P. (2018). Entrepreneurship education: the case of The Master ABA of the University of Parma. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2.
  • Cavallini, F.; Pelizzoni, F., & Dobson, S. (2018). The Psychologist and the DSA. In C. Lucchiari (edited by), The psychologist at the school. A path of practical and theoretical. Padova: libreriauniversitaria.en editions
  • Cihon, T., Artoni, V., Cavallini, F., & Corsano, P. (2018). Creating and Sustaining an International Collaboration in Behavior Analysis. Behavior and Social Issues, 27, 71-90.
  • Diaferia, C., Artoni, V., & Rollo, D. (2018, June). Scaffolding in teacher-student interaction: an operationalization for evaluation in educational and clinical settings. In 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
  • Petrini, V., Carpitelli, A., & Artoni, V. (2018). Effects of a training motor group on physical activity levels and prerequisites of the social interaction in autism spectrum disorders, and motor coordination. Autism and developmental disorders, 16(2), 225-248.


  • Dobson, S. (2017). The Specific Learning Disorders. It is never too late to recognize and intervene.
  • Fabio, R. A., Giannatiempo, S., Semino, M., & Caprì, T. (2017). I learn and I communicate with Tobii: as a system pointing the eyepiece can improve the quality of life. The first developments of the Project “let's Help the girls with the beautiful eyes” funded by the Vodafone Foundation. Vivirett, 74, 32-33.
  • Giannatiempo, S. (2017). The project “The girls with the beautiful eyes”: the report of the first quarter. Vivirett, 73, 5-7.
  • Pelizzoni, I., Derbe, F., Tirelli, V., & Rollo, D. (2017). Studio: strategies and methods for training a skill multicomponenziale. Psicologia dell’Educazione, 2.
  • Tirelli, V., & Cavallini, F. (2017). Has something changed?: A reflection on the symptom in the three generations of cognitive behavioural therapy. Psychoanalytic research, 3(3), 67-78.


  • Casarini, F., Artoni, V., Cascavilla, R., & Love, E. (2016). Token economy and peer-monitoring-at school: to increase participation and reduce problematic behaviors in the classroom. Difficulties of learning and teaching inclusive, 3(3), 345-351.
  • Casarini, F., Cascavilla, R., & Artoni, V. (2016). Reduce the stereo voice in a child with autism through the disruption of the response and redirection. Autism and developmental disorders, 14(1), 79-96.
  • Giannatiempo, S. (2016). Cognitive enhancement and rehabilitation of communication. Vivirett, 72, 38.
  • Giannatiempo, S. (2016). Cognitive enhancement and rehabilitation of communication, Vivirett, 71, 38.
  • Greer, R. D., & Ross, D. (2008). Verbal behavior analysis: Inducing and expanding new verbal capabilities in children with language delays. Italian translation by Artoni V. & Casarini, F.. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.


  • Artoni, V., & Fiorini, B. (2015). Teach the proper use of the answers “Yes” and “No” to a child with autism. Disability Evolutionary, 32, 57-65.
  • Casarini, F., & Dobson, S. (2015). Intervention at home for students with reading difficulties: the Potential and limits. Dyslexia, 12(2), 189-201.
  • Casarini, F., Berard, F., & Cavallini, F. (2015). Improve the italics together. A technique of teaching evidence-based to automate the tying of the characters in italics. Difficulties of learning and teaching inclusive, 3, 187-194.
  • Galanti, E., Casarini, F., Diaferia C., & Cavallini, F. (2015). Train at home you can: intervention based on the fluence to improve the writing in italics. Psychology and the school, 42.


  • Tirelli, V., Casarini, F., & Cavallini, F. (2014). The effects of the integration of the Bedtime Pass a procedure of extinction active in the treatment of a little girl of 9 years with night awakenings. Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral, 20(2), 237-248.
  • Tirelli, V., Cavallini, F., & Casarini, F. (2014). Homework: a means of collaboration between school and home. Psicologia dell’educazione, 8(1).


  • Fabio, R. A., Giannatiempo, S., & Carmona, P. (2013). Dialog: the communicators of the new generation. Vivirett, 65, 31-32.


  • Cattivelli, A., Cavallini, F., Tirelli, V., Berardo, F., Maffini Air, N., & Perini, S. (2012). Perspectives in education through a clinical approach: the contributions of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Functional Analytic Psychotherapy in the case of a boy with social anxiety. Psychotherapy, Cognitive and Behavioral, 18.
  • Cattivelli, A., Tirelli, V., Berardo, F., Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2012). Promoting Appropriate Behavior in Daily Life Contexts, Using Functional Analytic Psychotherapy in Early-adolescent and adolescent Children. International Journal Of Behavioral Consulting and Therapy, 7(2-3), 25-32.


  • Dobson, S., Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2011). Precision teaching and words of frequent. A happy marriage in order to promote the speed of reading in a child diagnosed with dyslexia. Dyslexia, 8(1), 67-79.
  • Cavallini, F., Casarini, F., & Tirelli, V. (2011). The historical evolution and the methodology of Precision Teaching. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 9(3).
  • Fabio, R. A., Giannatiempo, S., Oliva, P., & Murdaca, A. M. (2011). The Increase of Attention in Rett Syndrome: A Pre-test/Post-test Research Design. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 23(2), 99-111.


  • Berardo, F., Cavallini, F., & Dobson, S. (2010). Write fluent means accurate writing. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 48-67.
  • Casarini, F. (2010). Schools that it can't transport in Italy: The dream of the researchers for the children, teachers and parents. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 68-72.
  • Casarini, F., & Cavallini, F. (2010). Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction. New technologies for the traditional school. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 23-37.
  • Cavallini, F., Berard, F., & Perini, S. (2010). Mental retardation and reading rate: effects of precision teaching. Life span and disability, 1, 87-101.
  • Cavallini, F., Berard, F., & Picky, L. (2010). Teach the alphabet in a person with Down syndrome through the use of precision teaching. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 38-47.
  • Perini, S., Casarini, F., & Cattivelli, R. (2010). The effects of it can't transport Conditioning Procedures to Increase Appropriate Toy Play and Decrease Stereotypy. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 82-98.
  • Pino, O., Leone, D., Forconi, S., & Casarini, F. (2010). Functional independence and preference effects on the acquisition of multiply-controlled mands and tacts. Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 82-98.
  • Pistoljevic , N., Cahill, C., & Casarini, F. (2010). The effects of the Speaker Emersion Procedures on the Emission of Vocal Verbal Operants in Non-Instructional Settings. Journal of Speech and Language Pathology - ABA, 5(2), 1-16.
  • Vignoli, A., Fabio, R. A., Briola, F., Giannatiempo, S., Antonietti, A., Maggiolini, S., & Canevini, M. P. (2010). Correlations between neurophysiological, behavioral, and cognitive function in Rett Syndrome. Epilepsy & Behavior, 17(4), 489-496.


  • Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2009). Comparison of teaching syllables or words on reading rate. European Journal Of Behavior Analysis, 10(2), 255-263.
  • Fabio, R. A., & Giannatiempo, S. (2009). Interventions and perspectives in Rett Syndrome. Rett syndrome – Autism today, 16.
  • Perini, S., & Casarini, F. (2009). Criteria of effectiveness of treatments, ABA. Proposal for collaboration between operators to implement the programs that it can't transport. Autism and developmental disorders, 7(2), 97-109.


  • Cattivelli, A., Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2008). The role of fluency in the competence motor: a preliminary study on the basketball court. Movement, 24(3), 86-93.
  • Cavallini, F., & Perini, S. (2008). Disorder, disability, or dis-fluency: The role of fluency in the rehabilitation of cognitive and motor developmental age. Life span and disability, 11(2), 137-150.
  • Cavallini, F., Berard, F., & Perini, S. (2008). Fluency: a right and a duty: the application of Precision Teaching in the teaching of reading to a child with autism. American Journal on Mental Retardation, 6(2), 393-409.
  • Fabio, R. A., Giannatiempo, S., Antonietti, A., & Budden, S. (2008). The role of stereotypies in overselectivity process in Rett syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(1), 136-145.
  • Perini, S., & Cavallini, F. (2008). Fluency in education: introduction to a new paradigm. The theories and methods of psychology in italy: current trends. In S. New & G. Spirini, In memory of Angelo Majorana, a psychologist in the land of the border (pp. 441-456). Franco Angeli.
  • Perini, S., & Cavallini, F. (2008). Fluency in education: an introduction to a new paradigm. In G. Perricone, M. T. Di Maio & F. R. Nuccio, Telling ALADDIN. Constraints and possibilities of the work of the psycho-socio-educational in pediatrics (pp. 99-106). Franco Angeli.


  • Cavallini, F., Fontanesi, S., & Perini, S. (2007). Educate and re-educate the writing: the development of fluency with the precision teaching. Italian Journal Of Disability, 7(2), 9-31.
  • Cavallini, F., Trubini, C., & Perini, S. (2006). The single subject to the basket. Drawings n=1 for the management and behavior modification competition: an experience in the developmental age. The Developmental Age, 83, 42-52.


  • Cavallini, F. (2006). Endurance: the attention from the point of view of the precision teachers. Italian Journal Of Disability, 6(3), 19-32.


  • Cavallini, F., Trubini, C., & Perini, S. (2005). Finally fluence between the counters! Journal of Applied Radical Behavior Analysis, 1.
  • Trubini, C., Cavallini, F., & Pinelli, M. (2005). The effects of cooperative learning: an experience in the first grade. Learning difficulties, 11(1), 539-572.

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Marcello Marchesini