I progetti di ricerca applicata di Tice

Every year, our staff is engaged in applied research projects per migliorare le metodologie che utilizziamo, verificarne l’efficacia e trovare risposte innovative ai nuovi bisogni. Le nostre ricerche applicate sono svolte in collaboration with Universities and research institutions that support and urge our team in the design of experimental plans, and in the study of national and international literature.

Experimental thesis

If you are a student of Psychology or other clothing related to mental health, and with your speaker you've decided to do a thesis, you can collect data, to administer questionnaires or make comments at our offices. For more information and for the approval of your project, write to vanessa.artoni@centrotice.it

SUPPORT to the preparation of the THESIS

Il nostro personale è formato per offrire consulenze, tutoraggio e supervisione a studenti che incontrano momenti di difficoltà. Raccontaci la tua tesi, le tue difficoltà o ciò che vorresti realizzare come progetto: fisseremo un incontro e ti proporremo un progetto individualizzato di supporto. Scrivi a: iris.pelizzoni@centrotice.it

Are different methods with which we do applied research:

industrial phd

Activate doctoral projects, industrial/up apprenticeship with several Italian universities.

Since 2012, Tice active, in collaboration with Italian Universities, industrial Doctorates and Phd degrees at the Top Apprenticeship.
The training course was built by common agreement by the company and by the teaching Board of the phd Course involved and includes the frequency of the university courses that the conduct of research activities.
The student is supervised by two supervisors, one academic and one of the company.

Please refer to our doctoral projects.


We allow students enrolled in undergraduate courses master or master to carry out the experiments, approved by the research group of Tice, involving our students.

In addition, if the research project meets certain prerequisites assist in the writing of research papers to be presented at various national and international journals that deal with applied psychology.

If you are interested in doing your thesis with us

visita questa pagina e contattaci.


Supportiamo enti non profit nella pianificazione di ricerche che vadano a indagare l’impatto sociale di progetti o modelli di intervento. L‘obiettivo principale della ricerca applicata in questo caso è quello di ottenere dei risultati concreti ed implementabili nella prassi quotidiana dell’azienda.

Aziende e enti chiedono la nostra collaborazione per sviluppare percorsi di ricerca applicata che “adattino” prodotti e servizi all’individualità delle persone.

Per informazioni chiedi un appuntamento a Francesca Cavallini

The key points OF the APPLIED RESEARCH

  • we plan to mainly research designs a single subject

    and we try to replicate the experimental plane with multiple participants

  • The research projects that involve many participants are coordinated by university professors

    to ensure an adequate methodological rigour and update the theoretical

  • We try to communicate, share and disseminate the results of our research

    families, teenagers, and people of the area. For this, we use a simple language, and we try to educate people to understand the language of science.

  • We seek to create partnerships with different universities and national and international

    to allow our team to be formed by using different approaches and different methodologies

For Tice continue to do applied research means to continue to grow and change with the procedures that we use on the basis of the results, and experimental evidence.

How can we help you?

Please fill out the form, and we will contact you as quickly as possible