Very often, as parents, we face difficult challenges,
as a separation, a bereavement, a relationship of conflict with a son,
or is displaced in front of the changes related to the growth of their children

Our goal is to become a community of psychologists reference 
for the support for parents who are experiencing difficulties and have no doubts in the growth of their children.

We put at the disposal of families scientific articles we understand, through podcast and other publications which may support them in the phase of identification of the problem.

We offer the advice in vivo and online support for parents of children and teenagers who want to understand what are the most appropriate approach to the children in certain situations, or want to know when is the worry for some signals that they have read.

We design paths 
parent support and parent training 
aimed at parents of children with disorders of neurodevelopment or other psychological disorders,
to support the knowledge of the specific difficulties that the children live, to learn to accept the limitations and exploit their potential and to find relational effective, and rewarding.

Listen to what they feel other parents

Our podcast, and the testimony of the parents.

We put at the disposal of families podcasts and testimonies that can help them to see the problem and start to become aware of the emotions.

Click and listen to a podcast that approaches the situation that you're living, the sharing of emotions is the first step to change.


Ask advice

Often, seek help as parents is a cause of embarrassment and shame. Do not feel capable or frustrated it makes you feel a sense of inadequacy that affects the entire well-being.
In fact, many parents experience complex feelings and contrasting: to become aware, to learn to observe their thoughts and emotions can help every parents to live a better life, the relationship with the child.

To help parents understand if they need psychological help, we have developed a questionnaire that can help you understand the intensity with which you are experiencing the problem or the situation. The questionnaire aims to make you reflect on how you live parenting, it is anonymous, fill it out and leave us a feedback.

If you would like to schedule an appointment

Maria Chiara Sacchetti | Manager sede Tice Correggio Piacenza


Responsible for: Maria Chiara Bags
Mobile phone: 3396485347


Responsible for: Valentina Tirelli
Mobile phone: 349 3576939

Valentina Tirelli | Tice Teen Piacenza

    our services